Wellness programs are a growing trend among employers, specially in the USA and Europe. Organisations have begun to realize that a healthier workforce means better productivity, less absenteeism, and more camaraderie among staff who exercise together. A study released in April by ADP, Inc., a provider of human resource management, payroll, and benefit administration services, reported that 79 percent of large and 44 percent of midsized companies offer wellness programs. Typically they include five or six different components, including smoking-cessation support, healthy lifestyle resources, employee-assistance programs, health screenings, and exercise programs.
Beyond all the benefits employees have, a workplace wellness program can help organizations tangibly demonstrate their missions to employees.
Top companies choose to live their mission by integrating the wellness culture. And provide their employees with wellness events, yoga, as well as subsided life coaching and other mentoring or self development programs. Besides gaining the physical and mental benefits that come from staying or becoming healthy. Employees feel happier and normally become more loyal to their organization.
While the outcomes from a wellness initiative can be great, how do you first get employees to commit and then continue to make an effort? After all, it often seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day for staff to get their regular work done, without trying to fit in exercise or attend a presentation on healthy eating.
There’s an expectation that employees give 100 percent at the workplace; But if they are suffering from chronic conditions and leading an unhealthy life, it will impair their ability to do their job. You have to provide the tools.
- Approach a wellness provider or consultant
- Conduct a survey of employees to gauge their interest in a wellness program, onsite fitness classes, or walking clubs.
- Evaluate your workforce’s overall health. Speak to your insurance provider about evaluating claims history, chronic conditions, and where your expenditures are in areas that can be affected by lifestyle changes. Two important notes: This information is only an aggregate; privacy rules prohibit release of information about specific employees. Also, keep in mind that a wellness program should never be implemented in lieu of providing health insurance.
- Form a committee to figure out how to engage your employees in the long term. Results will take time and dedication, as they do for individuals making lifestyle changes. Don’t abandon an effort too quickly because it seems like it’s not having the desired effect.
- Organize social events and encourage behavior changes through modeling at every level of the organization. Consider developing a website customized to the wellness program. Get the CEO involved, profile employees who are making big changes, and put “health coaches” in every department to encourage staff.
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